External Mentoring

In addition to hosting interdisciplinary events on a regular basis, the Gutenberg Academy Fellows Program (GAFP) is characterized by providing its active junior members - for the entire duration of their membership - with mentors. Mentors take on an advisory and counseling role and accompany members on their academic career paths. Mentors  are qualified experts from the university community, government and administration, business and industry, mainstream society, science, as well as academia. The relationships between junior members and mentors are based on trust and confidence and are considered to be established between equals.

Based on professional goals or scientific interest, junior members choose the appropriate mentors. Issues, topics and areas of interest are analyzed and discussed between the mentors and mentees.

The opportunity for junior members to have contact with a renowned public figure via their membership offers them insight into working methods that extend beyond the realms of science. Thus, the external mentoring program aims to provide career counseling and foster the exchange of ideas beyond the borders of the home university. Thereby, the program gives junior members privileged insight and access to varying academic and non-scientific activities and structures.

The Academy’s junior members and their mentors are responsible for shaping and arranging the mentoring relationship. The decisive factors for creating the positive relationship is foremost the connection on a personal level, but also the commitment, as well as the clarification of personal expectations for the mentoring relationship. More detailed information about the mentoring concept can be found in the Gutenberg Academy handbook in the downloads section.

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